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A Boutique at the Beach


We are thrilled to welcome Isla Boutique to Laguna Beach, just open now for three months this chic boutique is fast becoming a mecca for affordable fun fashion finds.

Style maven and owner Stephanie Schwartz wanted her boutique to fill the niche she felt was missing in her native beach town.  Classic and trendy items that anyone could afford and would want to wear every day; like skinny jeans, cut-off shorts, knit sweaters, baggy t-shirts, printed pants, short & maxi dresses and on and on.  Whether you love layering, need the perfect party dress, love basics or desire that favorite pair of denim in Summer's "it" colors -  Isla has it!

In addition to having all we want to wear, I love the fact that Stephanie insists on carrying hard to find and unique lines exclusive to Orange County including Indah, Giles & Brother, Fresco Towels, Yana K, J Leyendeker, Sol Angles and Flying Monkey Denim.

Whether you grab some goods for yourself or purchase presents for fashionable friends, you'll be glad you added Isla Boutique to your list of must stop shops.  Receive 15% off your purchase -  just 'like" Isla's Facebook Page and mention this post when you visit.  I can't think of a better way to spend a Summer day then a little shopping spree.

Where | 1330 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. 949.413.1620

Open 10 a.m. to 6p.m. Monday through Friday and Sunday; 10 a.m to 7 p.m Saturday.

Leslie Christen writes "Wear to Where" for each week. She is the owner of Leslie Christen | LifeStyling a business that does personal shopping, fashion styling, closet edits and organization. For tips on What to Wear and Where to Buy view her website at [url=][/url] and contact her at


Battle of the Bands!


Saturday marks the return of Orange County's greatest battle of the bands, Music for a Cure’s Rock it OC! at the District in Tustin. The competition for young musicians (ages 5 to 17 years) brings the five finalists together who have shared a home video of their band (solo artist) performing one song to [url=][/url] to perform a free concert from 4 to 6 p.m. at The District Stage at the District in Tustin.

The winning artist will receive sponsored production of a music video and professional recording for one song. Murphy Karges, bass player for Sugar Ray, will coach the winning band through the video production and recording process. Rock it OC! benefits Music for a Cure’s mission to bring the healing power of music to critically ill children.

The District at Tustin Legacy is at 2437 Park Ave. in Tustin.

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